I have been a web and application developer for over 20 years, although I first began computer programming in high school, learning Pascal, Fortran, Basic, and bits of machine code.

After a break of ten years (during which I became an English major, a published writer, a newspaper and then magazine editor, a copy editor, and a designer), I returned to programming with the added ability to be creative and design-savvy while at the same time an expert in computer logic. I obtained a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer certification (including four separate Microsoft developer certifications) in 2000 and now have experience in a host of languages: primarily C# and some C++ on the application side, and HTML, DHTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Perl, VBScript, ASP, and others on the web development side. I have worked using SQL, MySQL, Access, ADO, OLE DB, ODBC, and COM/DCOM (although some of those are old enough to be a little rusty).

I also hold a Master's degree in Computer Games Technology and have developed an artificial intelligence personality engine called Extreme AI, available through the Unity Asset Store. I've also created RealMemory, an engine that simulates human memory systems for AI characters. I am continuing to develop new AI solutions (especially for games), attempting to make non-player characters more realistic in their interactions with players. Please see quantumtigergames.com for more information about my AI and games company. See also arXiv.org for papers I've written about personality AI in games: "NPCs as People, Too: The Extreme AI Personality Engine" and "NPCs Vote! Changing Voter Reactions Over Time Using the Extreme AI Personality Engine"

Please contact me for current web development/programming rates.

Please also see my Design and Editing sections for more examples of my work.

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